BAU provost resigns protesting
Date: 03 November, 1999
Original Source: The New nation
MYMENSINGH, Nov 3: Prof Atiar Rahman, Provost
of Ashraful Haq Hall of the Agricultural University, has submitted resignation
protesting misconduct by some students, including Hall Union vice president.
Campus sources said VP Mofizuddin Akhand and his associates misbehaved
with the provost at the Hall office on October 26 on the issue ofconstructing
a mosque and allocation of seats in the Hall. Prof Atiar Rahman alleged
that they also threatened him not to leave the Hall and kept him confined
for sometime in the hall on the day.
After the incident, the provost submitted his
resignation on October 28 protesting the misdemeanour and demanding action
against the offenders. University Register Nazibur Rahman admitted the
fact and said they were yet to take a decision in this regard.